Whoever got the network going started with a single VLAN and every. This is due to the fact that it's been growing since it came online probably about 20 years ago. Without giving too much info away, I support a network that is too large and disorganized. Complete Overhaul of Network - Advice Welcomed Networking.># View Group Archive: http:/ Opens a new window / / hrd.asp? i=402 ># Read Paper: http:/ Opens a new window / / r/ hdr.asp? r=124953 ># Setting Up a DHCP Server for your Organization >X-Message-Info: JGTYoYF78jGD4n47lwwP6a1px80HlsUThf72/BXiyx4= >Reply-To: RE: Updating MS Project by importing from Excel 'have you written your own operating system yet ?' In a groups database page i would have 2 columns 'hours today' and thenĮxcell could calculate the 'total hours' if i did not want to.